Monday, April 1, 2019

Hook Shot by Kennedy Ryan


I have tried MULTIPLE times to convey, articulate or simply put into a review how the words that Ms. Ryan pens to paper can actually make you feel. It is impossible to understand unless you experience it. I read and LOVE romance every day. I enjoy stories, I laugh, cry, swoon, love, you know all of it BUT then I read a Kennedy Ryan book and I LIVE. I feel the emotions, the love, hate, hurt, joy, jealousy, nervousness, energy like it's my own. She makes words dance off the page and intertwine into the fabric of you as a reader and more importantly as a person. The intimacy is so subtle and powerful it connects and can honestly shake you to the core. Again, it's hard to articulate but it's amazing to witness and feel. This book was beautifully honest, incredibly brutal, and made heroes of both Kenan and Lotus, their love and friendship was true, and solid. Their unselfishness was inspiring and I couldn't read it fast enough. Thank you Ms. Ryan for your craft. It is truly appreciated. There are not enough stars in the sky or letters in the alphabet to fully convey the love I have for this story. Beautifully told, timeless, love story that I can’t not say enough about.  READ THIS BOOK.

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