Monday, November 16, 2020

Love to Hate You by Jessica Prince


Okay first and foremost, this is my favorite trope. The one where the wife finds herself alone because some doucheknuckle of a man (who is supposed to love her unconditionally) finds his way into the bed of another. This one has an added layer of YUCK but makes the glow up she feels even stronger. After 26 years of my alpha ahole I always think if he is to lose his mind and stray, I might have it in me to find me a little Micah loving LOLOL but seriously, gives me hope.

When the woman (Hayden in this instance) finds her voice, confidence and complete worthiness in her self and lives a better life for walks Micah and all is ahole muscled glory and swwwooooooonnnnnn!!! I love everything Jessica Prince writes, I can't put into words how much her books mean to me. I devour them, every single time. I get kind of melancholy when I start one of her stories because I know I will finish it before I can blink, and then I smile because I remind myself I can re-read it when my purchased copy hits my kindle. I seriously have this discussion with myself EVERY BOOK! Jessica Prince continually and effortlessly delivers a perfect story of love, friendships, redemption and how much strength we can find within ourselves. Strong heroines, alpha males, adorable kids and a gang of women that support and fix each others crowns, holding them up and building a community instead of being petty haters. I love Hope Valley. I want to live in Hope Valley. If you haven't read Jessica Prince yet, I totally recommend you do. Her books are reading gold. You're welcome xo

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