Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Arc Review of Ripping Pages by Rachel Rae

Ripping PagesRipping Pages by Rachel Rae
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**Arc kindly received from author in exchange for an honest review by the girls and I at **

4 Love Me a Rockstar Stars

"I loved living in my book worlds where there was always a happy ending," Tinley

I couldn't agree with that sentiment more. I read to escape the ins and outs of the everyday turmoil. Throughout this book I was screaming, cussing and wanting to slap Tinley and jump in and talk her straight. I was not so sure my HEA was imminent when at very late percentage in the book I still wanted to pull my hair out! Everyone's HEA looks different but the writer should know what MINE is and just get me

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Choices..not all choices are easily made. You weigh your emotions, your time spent, your past and the one thing that should always sway the decision is your heart. It took Tinley awhile to trust in her heart and find that a love of a lifetime doesn't always present itself perfectly.

"Ripping the page from the book of your life, and moving on."

Tinely was a girl with only one experience under her belt, one experience that ended abruptly and without notice. Her heart was broken and her soul was crushed. Her one love had left her without considering the affect it would have on her. You meet her when she is digging herself out of depression and starting a new life in New York. New job, apartment, friends and family help her pave a new direction. Then one night in the park she hears guitar and moves closer to hear and BAM..insta love? attraction?

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Van has known nothing but the "good life" his whole existence. Nothing was hard for him, everything came easy. A sexy, rockstar that could have any woman, and has had many, grew up in an affluent lifestyle. What didn't come easy was real. Real love, real feelings and real emotion. The one time he thought he had it, the falseness of his surroundings made him hardened. So instead of loving he just took.

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At first sight Van was taken with Tinley. She was authentic, sweet and didn't want anything from him but him. Trusting in that became an issue and his skewed vision of the world and past experience brought a twist in the story..

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And so the past entered, Kindle was thrown and words were yelled (by me). Knowing that the true choice was known in the heart the whole time..I just crossed my fingers and hoped it wasn't a cliffie.

"He wasn't a choice, because he was right, there was not question. He was it."

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I really enjoyed the story, the characters and being a lover of angst, it totally had me sucked in. I know love triangles slay some readers (Nic) and I am not always a fan, but because the author did right by me, I give it a high thumbs up!

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