Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Girl By Any Other Name by M.K. Schiller

We received this book from an author request to review via our blog.  Reading the synopsis, I was hooked.  Again, I find myself thanking my lucky stars or whomever I need to thank for leading me to another amazing read.

This book starts with a glance back to the past.  Their age and excerpts of Raven Girl is followed by how Sylvie and Cal meet, how they become family and eventually how they become forever.  I am not always a fan of a story going from past to present.  I normally find myself wanting to get to the now immediately.  This story was not the case.  I loved getting the glimpses of the friendship turned love that happened between the two ten year old kids that were destined.  The author wrote in a way where you could actually feel them falling and becoming one.  Almost craving those moments. 

Boy next door, star quarterback, perfect family and couldn’t get the girl of his heart to commit.  Goth girl, frowned upon, absentee father and rumors flew..but she held the heart of her boy next door.  Their friendship was bonded over laughter, nightmares,  and heartache.  

A night gone horribly wrong, a poem and a promise; this is what led Cal to end where he had, and his quest to find his nevermore was eternal.  Never excepting the hands of fate, it was Cal against what he was always told to be true.  Giving up was not an option.

 "I'm your Huckleberry."       

The love and mystery of this story kept me hooked, once I started this book I could not put it down.  Even reading during work..gasp..I know right?  The characters were endearing, real and the plot had you speculating what the next twist in the road might be.  A beautifully written love story, edge of the seat thriller that can stand the test of time..I HIGHLY recommend this book

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