Monday, January 22, 2018

Midnight Blue by L.J. Shen

Having read and LOVED every one of this author's books I dove in head first, not knowing anything about it..assuming the best and ready to swoon.. Well my truth for this book took me until 34% to connect. Not to say I didn't like it until this point but I wasn't completely pulled in. My like for the characters wasn't solid was. And when that moment happened, it was thorough and complete. 

The push and pull, the heart and soul, the sharpie to skin, the words that were born captivated me. I couldn't put it down and devoured it. Every special written, just for you, word that was hurled at me, stuck to my soul. The heartbreak, and rebuilding of everyone in this story was so beautifully done. I fell in love with everyone. I will be one of the lone reviewers that didn't take to the story immediately, but I am a book lover that did connect and from 35% on slid head over heels in love with such a sordid tale of love, loss, addiction, lyrics, friendships and connections. Past, present, lives collide and the ride is worth everything. 

"You look at me with dynamite in your eyes, waiting for me to light up the match and finally set you on fire."
Everything stopped.
The air.
The world.
My heart.

Although I was late to the party my love for this story will remain solid in my heart, absolute perfection from Ms. Shen AGAIN.

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