Monday, December 16, 2019

Manhattan by Kandi Steiner

You know when you open a Kandi Steiner romance you will get an angsty love fest with all the fixins. And this one had me experiencing ALL of the emotions. I seriously had tears running down my face in one scene. That doesn't happen often, but she caught my Achilles heel, so to speak and the waterworks were inevitable. I smiled, got the butterflies that accompany first love, got the nerves, really ran through it all. But I also got annoyed. Kylie was the absolute hero in this story. Mikey was hard for me. He was so wrapped up in himself and blind to a friendship and love that came so effortlessly to him, it was frustrating at points. But that is what an author of Ms. Steiner's caliber can do, bring you to a point where you are easily willing to strangle them and then in a heartbeat you have tears spilling down your face and feel utterly devoted to the same person!! Spoiler alert, he came around, and did redeem himself in a lot of ways (tears were due to him) but having loved a selfish man for the last 25 years, seeing it portrayed in front of me was harder than I thought it would be. Being selfless and loving selfish can be a detriment and experiencing it with these two was heart wrenching. Here comes another...BUT the love these two have and always knew for each other was insurmountable and watching come to be was beautiful. So in conclusion. I do adore another Becker brother, I am head over heels in love with Kylie Nelson and can't wait for the next (and sadly last) Becker brother. Kandi Steiner as always delivers a love story that stays with you, keeping you in it's clutches long after the end... 


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